Seeing in Images and Words

Welcome to my electronic home! You’re stepping into my world—that is, a more orderly than usual version of it. Something brought you here or made you want to check it out and I’m so happy you’ve come.

Come, sit down. We’re face to face, in a sense, which is my favorite way of interacting with people. This website’s the table, if you will, and a mug (or wine glass) of something good always awaits you. One on one: for me it’s a definition of friendship, two people sharing their lives.

Stop by any time. Perhaps you’ve received notice of a new post, or simply want to browse a bit and think. Come on by. I’ll be here with thoughts to share: interesting prose pieces, photographs, and sometimes recipes, poems, free downloads—and surprises. And always color! Come on in and sit down at my table. If you’d like to leave comments, I’ll do my best to answer in a timely way.

Hello, friend. Glad to meet you!

A Place Like This

When newly engaged Sally Buffington is introduced to Craigville, she meets an expansive Cape Cod cottage that is virtually a family member itself. She quickly finds herself competing for airtime among the talkative, assured band of brothers and her new mother-in-law—the cottage’s lively and confounding matriarch.

Sally, a Cape Cod local, soon wonders how she’ll ever maintain her independence, let alone her sense of self when the day’s agenda and every detail is already set in stone. But, she navigates her new life with quiet persistence and a boundless curiosity that guides her to explore life through the creative lens of her camera and her pen.

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I am all about being creative in every moment. I want to inspire others to live consciously, and motivate people to keep going, growing, and doing.

Though I come from Boston and Cape Cod, I live in California (San Diego) and always will; I keep harkening back to my east coast roots in body or in spirit. Over the years of this bi-coastal existence, my entire adult life, I’ve become fascinated with places in general. I love to explore the contrasts between places and the sometimes contradictory marks they leave on us, and on friends and family on both sides of the country.

One place looms especially large in my life, Craigville, a family summer home where I’ve been privileged to go for over fifty years. It’s located on Cape Cod, whose “bared and bended arm” (as Thoreau called it) is a much larger and more varied land mass than you might think. For me, Cape Cod is a spiritual home and much I will be sharing with you is inspired by my love for the place.

Educated as a musician, I worked as a flutist and private teacher for thirty years; now I am a writer and photographer.  The beauty and variety of creation is around us everywhere, yet sometimes beauty hides in plain sight or lurks in odd, quirky places. I live to search it all out, to notice– in the kitchen, my neighborhood, in nature or in memory, travel, and via found objects, surprises, and art. Now in my seventies, I’ve never retired and never will. I want to taste the world in every moment and share what I find.

Learn more about me!

Sand and Rock and Air

You’re reading the first in a series of posts about travel and places, this one occasioned by Andy’s and my upcoming annual trip to the Anza Borrego Desert in southern California, northeast of San Diego. Borrego’s two-and-a-half hours away; more than that, it is a...

Chez California

When I came to California from Massachusetts in 1968, newly married—to Berkeley, no less—everything was new, everything was dazzling, and little seemed familiar. It was as though I’d landed in a sort of Disneyland replete with regions: UC Berkeley, Frat Land,...

Blazing Into the New Year

Happy New Year! Happy New Year? What a start I’ve had.After a grand and busy Christmas with family here, both local and visiting, a sleepy New Year’s Eve (neither of us made it to midnight, nor anywhere close), --and then The Bug. On January 4th, I joined a long line...

Wreathed in Christmas

Stopping for a last-minute ingredient the day before Thanksgiving, on my way into the supermarket, I came on a stack of evergreen Christmas wreaths; I could have just picked one up and tossed it into my cart. Cross that item off the list! Or a couple of days later, I...

Chutney With Vera

When I first came to California in 1968, newly married, I started right in to continue the Thanksgiving traditions I knew from childhood, though one of my first such dinners included turkey cooked at too high a heat and thoroughly dried out; somehow I cobbled together...


A few days after the summer solstice this past June, we were sitting on the deck at the cottage overlooking Lake Mendota, in Madison, Wisconsin. Our grandsons were happily mudding on the little beach nearby, and we were chatting with our daughter and son-in-law,...


A warm Friday afternoon in August on Cape Cod. A grassy area outside a local brewery offers a summery welcoming space, as does also a canopied flagstone terrace with tables and chairs. Among all the voices, all the chatter and laughter, you might have heard these...


I can’t write about Eastham and life at Nauset Haven without including Buster. Though he was also our family dog, whenever I was home, especially when I walked around the pond, he was mine. My friend, my confidant, my always ready companion and listener. (With just a...

Planet Bubble

Here’s Planet Bubble! My photograph has won a ribbon! 4th place in the Color Waterscapes Category, at the annual International Photographic Exposition at the San Diego County Fair. Normally I don’t name photographs but titles are required when submitting to this...

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