by Sally | Sep 20, 2023 | At The Table, Cape Cod, Sally Buffington |
Thinking of my recent trip to Cape Cod, I notice that some of the most interesting things which happened, I didn’t plan on. For instance a three -course “menu” of happenings at restaurants, starting with yet another round of oysters on the half shell ordered by my...
by Sally | Aug 20, 2023 | Sally Buffington, Seeing and Photography |
Recently dear friends invited Andy and me to a pool party, with the special purpose of our grandson meeting their two grandchildren; all three eleven or twelve years old. Though I’d worried how the arranged introduction would work, the kids clicked right away and we...
by Sally | Aug 3, 2023 | Nature and Places, San Diego, Seeing and Photography |
Here’s a neighborhood landmark, located on the corner of the street above mine. For a long time, no one’s paid it much heed; the sign’s been “just part of the landscape.” Until just the other day. I drove by, glanced to the right—and saw that the sign stood alone....
by Sally | Jun 14, 2023 | Cape Cod, Nature and Places, Sally Buffington, Seeing and Photography |
My image Reflecting on a Leaf, now on exhibit at the International Exposition of Photography at the San Diego County Fair. I’ve been working at images involving the effect known as surface tension, starting a year ago on Cape Cod where a first “catch” photograph...
by Sally | May 29, 2023 | Seeing and Photography |
One of the farthest points of my neighborhood is a hard sandy strip of open land which I call “the lookout.” From there, I see the Pacific and La Jolla Cove to the west; to the east lies an expanse of settled land, then the distant Cuyamaca Mountains. And at the...