Attached Baggage

Attached Baggage

Selecting the photographs for my website refresh, I’ve been looking over images from the past several years. On a first round, the raspberries above joined another food photo of mine: sauteed onions which looked so inviting that I wanted to dip right in and take a...


Griffin Island, Wellfleet, Cape Cod National Seashore.   I had made it to the crest of the dune after a climb in two-steps-forward-one-step-back sand, when whoosh! I was almost blown off my feet. I must have shimmied, but after a few steps down toward the...
Booking the Trip

Booking the Trip

By the time you read this, I’ll be crossing (or have crossed) the United States headed for Boston and—of course—Cape Cod. I am traveling to promote A Place Like This and to see family and friends. Almost to the day since Andy and I said goodbye to...
Holy Ground

Holy Ground

When I speak or write of Cape Cod, seldom is it an accident or about a place “where I just happened to be.” To me, the Cape is holy ground, where I “take off my shoes” with  reverence. And anything I write or think about Cape Cod, anything that takes place there, any...
Blueberries for Sally

Blueberries for Sally

In my childhood, blueberries were always a summer fruit. Only a summer fruit. Now I see them in the supermarket every time I go.   Oh, if you were lucky, you might go picking in some rural or country location; I never found this as romantic an activity as...

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