In the Box

In the Box

In the Box   As I flipped the calendar over to the April page, a memory leaped to mind. Oh, now that was one of the best gifts I ever received . .  . a brown-paper-wrapped carton, addressed in my father’s handwriting, stuffed into the mailbox at the foot of our...
Our Lady of the Marriott

Our Lady of the Marriott

A San Francisco Magnificat   Mid-December in a room on the ninth floor of the Marriott, I sit reading the first chapters of Luke’s Gospel in a Gideon Bible. Like Mary a traveler far from home though I’m not “great with child.” I’m full of questions, too —...
A Symphony of Spring

A Symphony of Spring

In my neighborhood, I walk in the sensory experience known as spring, and am presented with a visual and aural symphony. This time of year is especially a veritable feast of things to observe, delight in, and photograph.  This year, I’ve walked with a companion, for...

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