by Sally | Apr 6, 2022 | On My Mind, Seeing and Photography |
The image above is the work of Mitko Pavlov, a street photographer in Bulgaria. Found on Google, it was offered as a writing prompt by my friend Sharon Reynolds. Sharon and I belong to a writing critique group, a whimsical, perceptive bunch of four women who have...
by Sally | Mar 8, 2022 | On My Mind, Sally Buffington |
So what’s on the dessert menu? Cheesecake, chocolate mousse cake. . . well, I can have those any time . . . Affogato? What’s that? It says “vanilla ice cream and espresso” . . . Hmmn, that’s a simple combination. Sounds good, why don’t I try it? Aberystwyth, a...
by Sally | Dec 14, 2021 | Holidays, On My Mind, Sally Buffington |
As a child, I used to read this verse on the cover of the family photo album. Now I would add a line: “old places”—and one old place in particular, our Craigville cottage of which I wrote in A Place Like This. Yet we never celebrated Christmas there. All...
by Sally | Sep 13, 2021 | On My Mind |
By the time you read this, I’ll be crossing (or have crossed) the United States headed for Boston and—of course—Cape Cod. I am traveling to promote A Place Like This and to see family and friends. Almost to the day since Andy and I said goodbye to...
by Sally | May 12, 2021 | On My Mind, Sally Buffington |
One Year Later: Light . . . Books . . . and a Book “Oh, when I heard about those quarantine conditions—you know, staying home, not seeing a lot of people—I thought, that’s just the way I want to live!” An artist friend told me this early last spring, as we talked...
by Sally | Jun 21, 2019 | On My Mind, Sally Buffington |
1956: a portrait of the writer as a ten-year-old girl: I’m a stocky, hearty kid, freckle-faced and blue-eyed, with brown hair that won’t sit down because of my cowlicks. This summer afternoon, fresh from the library, I’ve got a basket full of books and am pushing my...