The Shazam Factor

The Shazam Factor

Shazam! An exclamation point word, a cymbal crash of a word, “Shazam” was created in 1939 by artist C. C. Beck and writer Bill Parker, as an acronym naming the superpowers which Billy Batson—aka Captain Marvel—possessed. S, for the wisdom of Solomon; H, the strength...
Foot Path

Foot Path

I am walking through a green tunnel, a swath cut through trees, vines, and shrubs with a sandy, two-lane road at its base. Immersed, I feel carried forward; also, it is easy to imagine the forest would reclaiming its territory almost overnight. Somehow the sky seems...
Seeing Water

Seeing Water

 After years of admiring others’ images, this year I submitted my work to the Exhibition of Photography at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar. I was pleased indeed to have three images accepted (now on display until July 4) at the largest photographic...
Taking a Ride

Taking a Ride

The image above is the work of Mitko Pavlov, a street photographer in Bulgaria. Found on Google, it was offered as a writing prompt by my friend Sharon Reynolds.   Sharon and I belong to a writing critique group, a whimsical, perceptive bunch of four women who have...
Nauset Haven

Nauset Haven

Last fall, I revisited Nauset Haven, the cottage colony in Eastham which my family owned and operated during my teen years (1957-64). The place where I knew and learned Cape Cod, before I ever knew about Craigville or met my future husband or the Buffingtons.   That...

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